Rescue Weimaraners come in all shapes and sizes and from many different places. Some Weims are from shelters, others are strays, some come from bad homes, and some come from good homes who have fallen on hard times. As the dogs find their way to our rescue on their journey to find forever homes, some can stay with their owners until a new home is found, some dogs are in boarding facilities, some are in foster homes, and some are waiting in shelters or other places waiting for a foster home to take them in. We LOVE our foster homes. They give us a chance to see observe the dogs in a home setting to really know what they are like and what will be a great fit for their personalities.
When you are looking at the dogs on our site, be sure to look at the Available Dogs page as well as the Needs Foster page.
During the Holidays, our boarding facilities often ask us to move the rescue dogs out of boarding and into Foster care. If you would like to help a dog for the holidays, even a week out of boarding helps the boarding facility and helps the dogs.