Mile High Weimaraner Rescue welcomes all forms of help. Don't have the room to foster a dog? You can volunteer your time to take a dog out for a walk, help with transports, help with donations and lots of other ways. Don't have time? We are always looking for donations of food, collars, microchips and to be honest, money to help pay for vet expenses, boarding, microchipping and other items.
We are always in need of foster homes; we can never have too many of those. Fostering involves taking a Weim in need of a home into your home. We do not have a kenneling facility, so we rely solely on good souls to foster our dogs until a permanent home can be selected. Fosters are responsible for caring for and grooming the dog, teaching them house manners (if they need it), and taking them to the vet if they need a check up or shots. Rescue pays for the visits to the vet, but we need you to take them. (If you are unable to transport to and from the vet we have volunteers who can assist) We also have crates, bowls, leashes and collars. So, really, you get to have the joy of helping a Weimaraner in need in your home until a forever home can be found. Please visit our volunteer page to fill out an on-line application today!
We need people who can transport dogs from point A to point B, to vet appointments, etc. If you have a trade you think could help rescue (book-keeping), printing services, veterinary services, or anything else you can think of to help, we would very much appreciate that. Filling out a volunteer application would be a great start! Please visit our volunteer page to fill out an on-line application.
The Mile High Weimaraner Rescue Committee is made up solely of volunteers. We all have jobs, families, and pets of our own to take care of, but spend our spare helping Weimaraners in need of finding new homes. We also help Weim owners to keep their dogs by offering training and behavior advice.

We are always in need of various dog items such as leashes, collars, beds, toys, food and other miscellaneous items. If you are able to donate any of these items please contact us here.
Want to Donate Money?
Without your continued support, we could not continue helping to rehome Weims in need, help owners through education and training, or host events for our Weim friends. All donations, no matter how big or small, cash or items for donation are always welcome and very much appreciated. Mile High Weimaraner Rescue is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt, tax-deductible organization. Our group is operated by volunteers dedicated to the welfare of the Weimaraner breed. Weimaraners needing new homes are checked by a Veterinarian, spayed or neutered, updated on vaccines, tested for heartworms, and microchipped. See all the different ways you can donate to Mile High Weimaraner Rescue.