Mile High Weimaraner Rescue is operated by a group of amazing volunteers. There are currently three members on the Board of Directors and many volunteers and foster families who make sure Weims in need in Colorado are supported.


KC Lewis, Brooke Hengst, and Nikki Sagliani


Director/Foster Coordinator - Brook Hengst

Brooke Hengst After the Hengst family and their pack of pugs relocated to Colorado in 2009, Brooke promised her husband that she was done with rescue work and fostering dogs... until she came across the Mile High Weimaraner Rescue. Brooke has been a volunteer with since 2009 having served as a foster home, fundraising and events coordinator, Weim & Cheese chair, as well as foster coordinator.

Brooke is no stranger to dog rescue organizations and the roles involved as prior to having moved to Colorado she was a volunteer, board member and founding member of Pug Rescue of Austin and volunteer with the DFW Pug Rescue. Having been a true dog lover her entire life as well as being a successful business owner, Brooke has extensive knowledge and experience serving in leadership roles with organizations in both the business and non-profit worlds.

Brooke is the proud owner of her Weimaraners, Tucker and Belle, and is mother of twin daughters, Emma and Cara. Specials thanks goes to her super understanding husband who has continued to be supportive in Brooke's endeavors to save Weimaraners.

To contact Brooke, you can email her.



Director - KC Lewis

KC Lewis
(Bio to come) To contact KC, you can email her.


Director/Adoptions Coordinator - Nikki Sagliani

Nikki Sagliani
(Bio to come)  To contact Nikki, you can email her.

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A Poem To My Foster Dog by Diane Morgan/Copyright 1999 


I am the bridge
Between what was and what can be.
I am the pathway to a new life.
I am made of mush,
Because my heart melted when I saw you,
Matted and sore, limping, depressed,
Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel.
Because when the time comes,
When you are well, and sleek,
When your eyes shine,
And your tail wags with joy
Then comes the hard part.
I will let you go -- not without a tear,
But without a regret.
For you are safe forever --
A new dog needs me now.
10/DD/YYYY Categories: Foster Care

A Foster Parent Speaks 


Thank You for bringing this foster dog into my life. Had I not made the decision to participate in rescue, I would never have had the chance to meet him. If I had sat here comfortably in my home and said, "I already have four dogs and I know that I couldn't take in another - even on a temporary basis," I would never have met this dog. 
Yes, it takes time to rescue and foster. . .but who gave me Time in the first place? And why or what was the reason I was given Time? To fill my own needs? Or was there another reason ever so small and seemingly insignificant, like rescuing this one dog, that could make a difference in another's life? Perhaps to add joy, hope, help and companionship to another who is in need? 
With great sadness, I sat down on a footstool in my kitchen this morning and watched as this foster dog bounced back into the house and skidded across the floor to sit ever so perfectly in front of me. He was the picture of health, finally. He was all smiles for me. And I smiled back at his happy face. Deep in his eyes, the storm clouds of illness and generalized poor health had blown away, and the clear sight of his perfection radiated out from his beautiful soul. He holds no ill will toward man. He forgives us all. 
I thought to myself, as I impressed this one last long look of him into my heart, what a very fine creature you have created. Tears slowly pooled and spilled over my cheekbones as the deeper realization of how wonderful this dog is sank into my internal file cabinet of Needful Things to Remember. Lord, he's a dog - but he's a better human being than I am. 
He has forgiven quickly. Would I do the same? He passionately enjoys the simple things in life. And I have often overlooked them. He accepts change and gets on with his life. I fuss and worry about change. He lives today and loves today. And I often dwell in the past or worry about the future. He loves no matter what. I am not that free. 
This very lovely dog has gone to his new home today and already I miss him. Thank You for bringing this dog into my life. And Thank You for the beautiful and tender lesson on how to be a better human. 
~Author Unknown~
10/DD/YYYY Categories: Foster Care
-March 2025+
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