Aggie (aka: Aggie-Waggie, Aggie-Bear, Aggie-Tater, Agnes, Agnes of Dog) will be two years old tomorrow-5/16/08! Aggie joined our family just before her first birthday. Shortly after that, she earned her Canine Good Citizen Award. She is so proud and really aims to please her humans. She absolutely adores her 5 year old weim step-sister, Stella. Ags really loves the fact that her sister has taught her how to drink out of the bathtub faucet and that has become her drink place of choice. She tolerates her foster brother, Clay, a 12 year old weim. She has learned to appreciate fruits and vegetables from her other sister, Judy. She is the most loving and loyal little girl. She enjoys running outside (right through the doggie-door) to bark at any passersby, animal or human. She will even jump the fence to greet face to face unless she is wearing her electric fence collar. Of course, true to her breed, she craves riding in the car, especially when going to the dog park or some big field to run wild; going on walks, swimming, chasing small prey (rabbits, squirrels, etc.) and occasionally catching mice to bring home as presents.

She will play tug forever, because she always wins, now she is finding it hard to get anyone to oppose her. She has a feminine side, too, as she enjoys sharing a bubble bath where she will bob for \ her tennis ball. Aggie has a heart as big as the whole world and a personality to match. What a blessed addition she has been to our family. She definitely has a permanent place in our hearts, not to mention on our bed, sofa, laps, etc. Aggie and her friends & siblings will enjoy homemade frosty paws made from the recipe found on the rescue website...YUMMY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AGGIE !!!