From Kansas to Canada
Recently, Rescue had a Weim named Kansas that came to Colorado from Wyoming, but needed to get to Montana so she could go live in Canada. Whew! Did you follow all that?
Kansas was sprung from a shelter by Patrick, who also fostered her for a time. Then, she was moved into boarding at Play, Stay and More and later to Camp Bow Wow Monument where she stayed for quite some time until another foster home opened up. Rescue volunteer, Carolyn, was able to foster her until just the right home came along; then, it was a matter how to get her there.
Jennifer brought her up to Denver where Leigh picked her up and kept her overnight and took her to the airport to meet Marieke. Meanwhile, Darci had to buy her a travel crate and drop it off with Leigh so it could be prepped for travel. Marieke was kind enough to offer her frequent flyer miles to fly to Montana with Kansas and to hand her off to her ride to Canada. Leigh then babysat Marieke's Weim, Sage, for the day while she was jet-setting with Kansas.
Kansas was such a good sport about the entire trip and traveled like a pro! Her new Canadian home had lots of toys and fun stuff waiting for her and she explored her new home thoroughly and planted a big ol? kiss on her new owner. And after all that, who wouldn't?
It took quite the team effort to get Kansas to her new home, but seeing her sweet, happy face made it so worthwhile! Thank you to everyone that helped Miss Kansas get to her new home in Alberta, Canada!