We adopted Misha (aka Misha- Mish) officially in Sept of 2013. Even though we fostered her for about a month prior to officially adopting her, we knew from the first night she was meant to be a part of our family. Misha came to us with kennel cough and was very skinny. She regained her health in no time, a
nd soon started running with me. She has become the best running companion and I think I am more disappointed than she is when I have to leave her home.
The past year Misha has hiked two Fourteeners, gone to Moab, and hiked in the San Juan mountains. She loves to chase rabbits and has actually brought one back to me. Besides loving to be outside Misha's other hobbies are to wake up at 1:30 a.m. every morning to either roll on her back or move her dog bed (I have finally learned to sleep through this); stealing my spot in bed after I wake up to feed her; and watching TV on the couch with Marc.
We are so grateful that MHWR brought Misha into our lives. It is hard to think what life was like without her.
Amanda, Marc and Carson.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:08:00 PM