Dear Nikki and the Weimeraner Rescue Team,
Poppi is such a dream dog! She is becoming part of our family and knows that she is our little girl. My daughter Simone is ecstatic about having her own dog and Poppi makes it look easy. I am so grateful that you talked us out of adopting a puppy and suggested a mature dog. Even though Poppi is 5, she has the energy and enthusiasm of a young dog with out all of the behavior issues. Thank you so much for that! Poppi sleeps in Simone's room in the bed that Simone bought with her own money and she walks her regularly so that Simone can learn about Poppy's leash habits. I also take Poppi on runs so that she can stretch out her long legs and just sprint. She has put on about a pound and doesn't have that wan, emaciated look she had. She is still lean, but now it looks right on her. Once again, thank you for the opportunity of meeting all of the wonderful dogs at the adoption fair. Poppi is so wonderful and loved that I know she was meant for our family.
Lia Christians and Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:53:00 AM