I hope you and all the other Weimaraner guardian angels are doing well. Everyday my children and I are so thankful that you trusted us with Samantha. I'm not sure if you remember but you wanted us to foster her to see how we liked the breed. I was hesitant to bring in an 8 year old dog since we had just lost our boy at only 6 years old. Well, it only took a couple of hours and we absolutely fell in love with her. When she came to us she was 84 pounds and she couldn't even take a walk (she was like trying to control a moose on a string) around the block without limping. She was so afraid of being left in the yard I would have to stay outside with her so she would go to potty. She didn't know how to play or chew on a bone or how to walk on a leash. She didn't talk, look you in the eyes, or even give any kisses, but she still stole our hearts. She has been through a lot in her few months with us. It has taken a lot to get her healthy but we are finally there. She has been on a strict diet, had 3 broken teeth pulled and the rest cleaned, a biopsy, x-rays, ultrasounds, lots of blood tests, and medications. She has had liver problems which we thought may be liver failure, but the current medication she is on is working wonders. Her liver values are dropping and getting closer to normal all the time. She goes back in February for her next blood test. She is down to 69 pounds which our vet says it perfect for her. (You have to allow a few extra pounds for all her saggy baggy elephant skin.) She still has to have one more biopsy but we wanted to get the liver under control first.

She has to continue to have eye drops three times a day and will have to be for her entire life, but she doesn't mind. She knows it helps. She is a whole new dog. Any of our friends and family that met her when she first joined our family can?t believe how much she has changed and how amazing she looks. She loves her new life and her personality shines. She has inspired several people we know to check with MHWR when they are ready to adopt a dog. It is amazing to watch her walk on the leash as now you can see all muscles work in her legs as she enjoys longer walks and even jogging with us. (My son can even take her jogging by himself.) She has discovered the joy of kongs, peanut butter rawhides, car rides, long walks, snuggling with blankets, and being smothered with love. She rings a bell on the back door when she wants to go out and she even enjoys being outside for a few minutes by herself. She is now only on the liver medication, eye drops, and glucosomine. She is a pure joy to have in our lives. Thank you all for believing in us and for everything you do for all the amazing Weimaraners who deserve a second chance at life. We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! Photos taken last weekend when we went on our annual Christmas tree hunt. She had so much fun!
Sheila, Anthony, and Alyssa Scaduto