Another great reason to adopt a Senior...
Hello MHWR,
Macey Gray is doing absolutely fabulous and we are still so happy to have her in our family. She has the funniest personality which still seems to be developing the more comfortable she becomes with us. The poor thing was shuffled so much in her life I think she is just now really becoming herself and trusting this really is her home. She's tried to push being the alpha a few times but another one of my girls is already the alpha so Macey got her butt kicked a couple of times. Nothing more serious than a little broken skin. She seems to have finally learned her place in the pecking order and is even starting to play with them occasionally (they play roughhouse with each other). Her favorite chair is one that is too small for her, which is funny to watch her fold herself into it.
She hikes and skis with us every weekend and is in great shape. She loves to fetch the ball (although we're working on reinforcing leave it so we don't fight to get the ball back). You'd never guess she is 8 years old except she sleeps more than the younger ones. Although we did a weeklong backpacking trip in August in the Wind Rivers and she stayed in Ouray with her grandpa & mimi because the trip was tough even on the two young ones. She got a hike every day with her mimi so she was happy. We don't regret adopting a senior at all! She is so funny when her dinner or breakfast is being prepared as she gets VERY excited and if it takes too long she starts barking. When we arrive home in the afternoon she also does this little bark/howl combo that is really funny. She does the same thing when we're getting ready to go run/hike/ski and it just makes us laugh out loud. Her saggy face makes us laugh much fun to squish up and give her kisses. Speaking of kisses she LOVES to give kisses. That trait didn't appear until after she'd been with us about 6 months. Now she's a kissing fool! I've attached a couple of pics from New Year's Eve day. One is of Macey on the ski track at Ironton (above Ouray) and the other is of us with all 3 girls. Macey is on the far right looking at us.
Cheers and Happy New Year,
Kelley Harper & Ross Williams
Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:30:00 AM
Tucker (aka Gus) came to us after our 13 year old male passed away (who was our rescue 12 years prior). We wanted a companion for our 12 year old female because she was lost without her partner. I perused the rescue site for the perfect male for her. We came across our Tucker. He was 1 (ish), looked just like our old guy Snickers and was so pathetically skinny. I knew this was our dog. We went to Petco to meet the MHWR crew and to check to see if Aspen and Tucker would get along. They did better than get along. They ignored each other. That was a better sign for us because we knew he would respect Aspen's age. They have been great companions ever since. He is a smart dog that could watch for squirrels for hours. Tucker is now joined by a Weim puppy and rolls around all day long with him in the grass while Aspen watches from a distance. We will always have this breed. We have Weims imprinted on our hearts forever, Especially rescue Weims.
~The Gray Family~
Thursday, December 20, 2012 9:04:00 AM
What a great year! - Bella has been fabulous - we are thrilled to have her! - She bonded instantly with our 4 1/2 year old male weim, Dash. Our trainer said that you'd never know they hadn't been together all their lives! The two dogs are a riot together - they provide lots of entertainment and companionship! Bella is a sweet girl - and in great health for a seven year old - thanks MHWR!
The Schneider Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012 9:03:00 AM
So Lucky....
We adopted Lucky almost a month ago. She is the sweetest dog and has filled our lives with so much love and joy. She is just what we needed to help our hearts heal the loss of our beloved Lab. Just the other day she chased away a stray Rottweiler and potentially saved me and my 2 year old daughter from being attacked. For that alone we are indebted to her. But even more so the love and faithfulness she has showed us in just the few weeks that we have had her. She loves to cuddle, snuggle, or just have a hand on her will do. She really is like Velcro and we don't mind one bit. She has found her forever home here with us-we adore her! I want to do everything I can to keep her healthy and thriving. We go for walks, runs, and parks. She just loves to be with us... as we love being with her.
Thank you for this amazing Rescue. Lucky rescued me for the sadness in my heart from losing our Lab just before Christmas. We are the Lucky ones... blessed...
~The South Family~

Thursday, December 20, 2012 9:02:00 AM
Scooby is a wonderful addition to our family. He is our first Weimaraner and I can't imagine what took us so long. He is incredibly affectionate and a true velcro dog loving his time with his people. Scooby immediately attached to me but has recently gravitated towards Sherry and now seems equally attached to us both. He loves the car! We took him on vacation with us to Texas after having him only a week. When returning, we ran into a blizzard and were stranded in Clayton, NM for two days. While there, Scooby stole the hearts of everybody staying at the hotel as he does wherever we go. Scooby loves his people as much as we love him. He is a wonderful dog and a great addition to our family. I want to thank you for your insight and concern in matching Scooby up with us. I was very impressed with Mile High Weimaraner Club's attention in insuring the perfect match for us and Scooby.
~Tim and Sherry Gregg~
Thursday, December 20, 2012 9:00:00 AM
Keleigh is doing GREAT!! She really has bonded closely with us and vice versa. We really love her and she is a solid, full member of our family now. She continues to be a great listener, does well both on and off leash, and is completely over her illness (she has put on about 5 lbs actually and is VERY active now). She has become a "celebrity" with the kids in the neighborhood and really seems to enjoy all the attention they place on her. She has really brightened our lives in ways we never imagined she would and we consider ourselves very blessed to have her in our lives. We thank each of you for the roles you have played in making her adoption possible!
~Todd, Mary, Keighley, Killian, and (of course) Keleigh Gentle ~

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:57:00 AM
Dear Nikki and the Weimeraner Rescue Team,
Poppi is such a dream dog! She is becoming part of our family and knows that she is our little girl. My daughter Simone is ecstatic about having her own dog and Poppi makes it look easy. I am so grateful that you talked us out of adopting a puppy and suggested a mature dog. Even though Poppi is 5, she has the energy and enthusiasm of a young dog with out all of the behavior issues. Thank you so much for that! Poppi sleeps in Simone's room in the bed that Simone bought with her own money and she walks her regularly so that Simone can learn about Poppy's leash habits. I also take Poppi on runs so that she can stretch out her long legs and just sprint. She has put on about a pound and doesn't have that wan, emaciated look she had. She is still lean, but now it looks right on her. Once again, thank you for the opportunity of meeting all of the wonderful dogs at the adoption fair. Poppi is so wonderful and loved that I know she was meant for our family.
Lia Christians and Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:53:00 AM
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how well Annie is settling into our home. She has become a part of our family in less than a week, and really seems happy! She loves her twice daily walks, and occasional trips to the dog park. Her energy level has lifted our spirits and keeps us honest with our walking programs. We"re thrilled to have her, and love her so much! She seems very happy here, and is being a very good girl. Thank you for allowing us to adopt Annie from your rescue. Rest assured that she has found a good and loving home, and that we will take the very best care of her possible. Pictures of Annie below are from before, during and after the dog park - one tired pup!
Kind Regards,
Judy and Chuck Lecke

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:52:00 AM
I wanted to let you know that Tucker is doing great. He is such a good boy. He has been off the medication for over a month and no problems. We are able to leave him at home with the other dogs for over 8 hours without destructive behavior, though we really try not to do that. He is just part of the family and well on his way to regaining faith in people. I am sending a couple of pictures for you if you want to post them. I especially like the one of him with the pillow stuffing pulled out into the hall way. I guess he thought the bag of stuffing was one of his toys. He loves squeakier tennis balls, and stuffed animals, likes real animals too, especially our chicken. Tucker, Isis, and Cyrus all love to hang out and play together. Anyway, thanks for your work with Tucker. We are really happy to have him and he continually brings love and joy into our lives.
Francis Houde and Sarah Belle

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:49:00 AM
Thank you Mile High Weimaraner Rescue!! I don't think we could love our new weimaraner any more than we do - thank you so much for Louie! We recently lost our 13 year old Labrador which left a huge hole in our heart. Knowing we didn't have the patience to dedicate to a puppy and wanted to help another dog in need, we agreed to foster Louie, a 2 year old male Weim. We were hesitant, wondering how long it would take to truly bond with Louie because we recently lost our Lab and we agreed to foster Louis, so we didn't want to get too attached. Within a few hours we were hooked! He seemed too good to be true! He's very smart, loveable and gentle with our two other dogs and 3 boys (ages 7-10). I remember my husband looking at me the very first night and said "Foster? I think it's more like ADOPTION!" My husband fell in love along with the rest of the family immediately. Louie is the 3rd dog we've rescued (we currently have 2 rescue pointers) and when people see how great all of our rescue dogs are, they are so interested in doing the same. Louie will live out the rest of his long life chasing rabbits, going on long hikes and being king of the house with this two female pointers. He deserves it - it gives much more than he takes!! Thank you again to everyone at MHWR - you were amazing to work with and incredibly supportive!
Warm Regards,
The Mauro Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:47:00 AM