Thanks to the volunteers who saved me, fed me, loved me, and drove me to Colorado well into the wee hours of the night. My sister, Rosie and I really enjoyed the whole bag of dog food we got on the trip up! lol Thanks for the long application process, the home visit, the phone interview, recommending raw food!, the website weim 101 and the $250 adoption fee all these measures help to ensure me and all my fellow rescuees find good homes. This allows me to sleep good at night...or during the day...hmmm...or during my dozen or so naps on the front porch, the sofa, in my master's bed and my least fav spot my doggie bed.
My new family, includes humans, two other weims, and a 10 month old aussie who thinks we're her "herd" She can be annoying at times as she runs circles around us, but overall she's cute and fun to play with. One of my new weim brothers is named "groochy pants" he's older and well I think hes retired from playing and just wants to sleep all day so I've learned that its best to let him rest. The other weim is fun to hang out with. All together we explore our 15 acre wooded farm, although most of our time is spent hanging out near our house and chewing on bones or deer antlers (they have lots of yummy stuff inside of them!). Its kinda like going to camp, although the food is way better, my human mom feeds us great, she's a nutritionist turned chicken farmer we enjoy fresh raw chickens and well other stuff I cant remember. Well, It's past my 8th nap time so goodbye for now.
Drooly Kisses, Bode