My husband Chuck and I moved to Colorado August of 2006 with three elderly weimaraners, Utsi (the mom), Christa (a daughter), and Gabriel (a son from a second litter). When the last of the three, Christa, crossed the rainbow bridge at 14 years 2 months in mid-September of 2009, our house seemed so quiet without a little grey ghost running around anymore - or at least the presence of one there. Christa was not a rescue dog but we rescued her when she was three weeks old. She had a PDA (a heart valve that is there in vitro but is supposed to close during her birth but didn't). It was recommended by our vet to put her down but I asked for other alternatives and he recommended the vet school in Raleigh, NC - two hours from where we lived at the time. Saw a cardiologist there and to make a long story short - they were able to successfully heal here. Christa was special as you know how sometimes weims have white markings on their chest...hers had a little white cross and she was a sweetie. Her mom, Utsi, lived 15 years 8 months. After Christa died, I kept a watchful eye on the Mile High Weimaraner Rescue sight, and had a yearning to go to the adoption event in Golden on October 3rd. I went through many obstacles to get there...road construction on E-470....getting lost once in Golden and taking a wrong turn only to find myself driving through the hills, confronting a major back-up due to an accident, but eventually got to the adopt-a-pet event in Golden. When I found the MHWR booth I ran into Nikki and she told me you know I'd give you any weimaraner you wanted. There were two females there and one male. I had already made my mind up I wanted a male as I lost my dear Gabriel unexpectantly to an infection that got in his bloodstream and it happened when I was out of town. I had a hard time getting over his loss as he followed me all over the house ... more so than the female weims we owned. Nikki pointed out Hunter to me that they just got him in from a shelter in Grand Junction and everyone loved him at Camp Bow Wow where he was boarded the night previously. She handed me his leash and I walked him around the parking lot and he seemed so good with other dogs and people already - it was amazing. I knew he wasn't just all weimaraner though as he has a lot of brown in his coat and huge paws. I took him home that afternoon for a quiet in the backseat of my car...never said boo. He adapted very well to our home and could smell the scents of our previous dogs. He checked on me several times on the first evening and went back to his pillow. It wasn't too long afterwards that he found out our bed was more comfortable and that's fine as my husband is working overseas for two years and he just made himself at home on the other side of the bed. He has yet to go on our furniture though - has never done it on his own even when I'm out of the house. He didn't tolerate a crate though - perhaps because he was sheltered for three months at a young age (he apparently was dropped off at a shelter on the 4th of July). That's ok though, as he's fine alone when I leave as long as I give him something to occupy his busy mind. Training helped tremendously with overcoming some challenges of getting into things. He is the perfect dog. I did a DNA test on him and he's about 3/4 weimaraner+1/4 labrador ~ a perfect combination of breeds ~ a weimador! His favorite past time is the dog park in the South Pinery in Parker and playing fetch with the oversized tennis ball. I haven't tried swimming with him yet, but no doubt he'd love the water. Found out early on he has pulmonary hypertension - a slow heart rate prompted me to get more testing done by a cardiologist. He said getting him out of higher altitude will help him so as a coincidence - we are heading to California this next week. He will get to meet some of my siblings weimaraners there too. I am blessed to have found Hunter and the joy he gives me is priceless. He will always be well taken care of and loved as all dogs should be. God bless all of you doing such great work in saving these beautiful dogs and finding them great homes.
Claudia and Chuck Curran

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:55:00 PM