When we first heard about Moose he had just joined rescue and his fosters were just getting to know him. He had ended up in rescue after being surrendered to the local animal shelter because he was too much energy for the previous family. Moose had been in and out of the shelter about 4 times in his short 2.5 years. We were looking at another weim that we had made arrangements to go see but somehow kept going back to Moose. The main reason for wanting to add another weim to our family was for me to have a hunting partner. Our weim Diamond isn?t a hunter and since we love her so much were wanting another weim. Of course we needed a weim that also was going to be part of the family and do good with our children. After more info was posted on Moose?s bio he really started to sound like he would be a good fit for our family. So we had to meet him., and of course after meeting Moose we really liked him. But we agreed to still meet the other weim so that we could choose the best match. A week went by while we were waiting for the day we had set to meet the other weim and our family kept thinking about Moose. After much discussion we decided to not meet the other weim and adopted Moose. It is going on three months since we made Moose an official member of the family and it feels like he?s been here a lot longer. I think he feels at home here as he?s always wagging his stubby tail. It is always busy in our house but Moose is very schedule oriented and will let us know when its feeding time and when its time for bed. He is well behaved, minds his manners, and is even teaching Diamond (our female weim) some new things. The boys absolutely love playing with Moose and he enjoys it just as much. Even when it?s not play time Moose certainly loves those nap times as well with the boys. Moose is working on his hunting skills and we are excited for next season. We are having so much fun with Moose and we are thankful for Mile High adopting him to us.
The Wanner Family

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:57:00 PM