When we met Jesse at our first “meet and greet”, we were very afraid and immediately had second thoughts. Although we had done research on Weimaraners, we were more than a bit intimidated by such a big and rambunctious girl. At PetSmart, she took us for a walk around the store; then a short while later at the dog park – we saw her at full strength, running around like crazy, through the mud, in and out of the creek - like she was possessed. With visions of our condominium being destroyed by this big crazy beast, we politely told Michelle and Darci that “we would think about it” and left knowing that this was too much dog for us. After some conversations and soul searching, we decided that we would give Jesse a try, knowing full well that if we took her in that we would be her forever home. Little did we realize that we were not fully trained and Jesse knew that she had a lot of work ahead of her to get us up to speed. Howling with disapproval, Jesse let us and our condominium neighbors know that she was not pleased with being left alone, and soon we were shopping for a new house for Jesse. Looking back, Jesse wasn’t happy with us at first, but day by day we earned her trust. Within a few months, we began to see her real personality emerge – happy, rambunctious, always ready go for a ride in her truck to chase or point bunnies, squirrels, birds, kitties, coyotes, cows, or practically anything else with fur or feathers.
In the 3 ½ years that she was with us, we never once had to set our alarm clock. Without fail, Jesse was giving us slobbery kisses and nips at 6:15 every morning. She always knew when we were hurting or upset, and would lovingly bring us one of her toys to make it all better. When Chuck had surgery on his foot, rather than the usual thundering up and down the stairs, she slowly took each step with him or sat there quietly watching as he made his way. If one of us stayed up too late or slept on the couch Jesse would give us a bark or paw to let us know of her concern and wasn’t happy until we were in our proper places. She was a big happy girl who loved riding “shotgun” in her truck; enjoyed sneaking coffee, beer and the occasional slice of pizza. Once we woke to discover that during the night a “ghost” had placed perfectly clean forks, knives and a spatula in Jesse’s bed. Whenever one of us was away and retuned home, we were always greeted by Jesse with her happy smile and her full body tail wag. Sadly, our Jesse passed over the Rainbow Bridge following surgery to remove an intestinal blockage.
We miss our big girl terribly.
~The Jernigans~