It all started when MHWCR called me and asked if I would be interested in fostering this sweet guy named “Winston” to keep him from being euthanized at the shelter two days later. Winston had a family before for pretty much his whole life, but they couldn’t afford to care for his medical condition and gave him to the shelter. So I talked it over with my husband and children and we all agreed to foster Winston until he was found a more permanent foster home. When I first saw him I thought I was going to have to go get a saddle to ride him home! Winston was 106lbs. Most of his weight was due to his hypothyroidism, but that didn’t discourage me from wanting to bring this guy home so our family could help him get better. So, I went to the vet right away that day to get his medication as I didn’t want to wait for him to start his treatment. Then, I went to a pet store to buy him special “hypoallergenic” food, and of course chewy toys, treats, leash, and so on!!! While he was in the car I had a blanket for him to lay on. I initially thought he was going to chew it into pieces, but turns out, he just wanted the blanket to suckle on.

Our family soon learned after having him in our home, this is what made Winston feel secure. So every blanket we brought out he would go after and try to take from us. Winston came into our home that day, and it felt like he had already been a part of our family and we already knew he was the one we wanted to adopt. He was so well behaved and had such an easy going temperament. He got along well with our Vizsla Kayden and they became friends. We gave him a “doggie bath” so he could smell better. His color was a beautiful dark blue, and it showed when we took him outside. Everywhere we took Winston, we got compliments on how beautiful he was. Although we only had Winston for 5 days, he touched our family very much and we feel he was brought to us, so that we could provide him with the love & happiness he needed before his passing. Winston had a condition that was inevitably going to put him through a life of misery. So, he was put to rest on Tuesday, September 16, 2008. We miss him, but know that he is no longer in any kind of pain or suffering. To some the date of 9/11 will be a day of sadness, but for us that is a day of joy, as that is the day “Winston” came into our lives. Thank You Weimaraner Rescue for giving us that gift!
~Lucilla Giron and Family~